Gallery News

Gallery News

Whirligigs – whimsical wind sculptures by Van Stronach

Whirligigs are wind-powered kinetic garden ornaments and are the descendants of weathervanes. The origin of whirligigs is unknown. But since both farmers and sailors have used weathervanes since ancient times, these comic versions are thought to have been handcrafted by either group during downtimes. Whirligigs are also called gee-haws, spinners, whirliJigs or whirlybirds. Here in the South and in other

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Gallery News

Why do we have an Easter Bunny anyway?

One-of-a-Kind Ceramic Bunnies When ceramic artist Sondra Hastings brought in these wonderfully cheerful and playful bunnies, you can just imagine the reactions! These little guys can put a smile on just about anyone’s face. What a great spring-time gift or joyous Easter homecoming idea!

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Ceramic Platters and Pottery Bowls by Laura Somervill

Somervill Ceramic Platters & Pottery Bowls This week, we would like to re-introduce you to Laura Somervill – (no ‘e’) – a master artist, mother of two and expert pottery instructor at the local community college here in Asheville. We have had Laura’s pottery in the gallery the past and we are happy offer it once again to all our ceramic

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Fine Art Quilts by Mary Stori

“Mistakes are merely design opportunities… …Making an ordinary quilt, extra-ordinary!” ~ Mary Stori Mary Stori is an internationally recognized quiltmaker, fashion designer, instructor, lecturer, and quilt show judge who has authored several quilting books. As therapy, Mary began teaching herself to quilt while recovering from back surgery in the mid 1980’s. She had planned to return to her career of

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Southern Conference Basketball Tourney
Gallery News

SoCon Games – How to Enjoy Your Breaks In Between

“Here for the SoCon Games?” What to do in downtown Asheville, In Between your Southern Conference Basketball Games If you are going to one or more of the Southern Conference Basketball Championships, eventually you will have a break … no matter who your favorite team is. There’s no better time to walk one block over to the Grove Arcade and

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Ceramic Wine Bottle Stoppers

Handcrafted Ceramic Bottle Stoppers We invite you discover these bold, bright and beautiful ceramic wine stoppers just in from Tamara Matthews. Each ceramic stopper is as unique and as distinctive as any wine collection. These little artwork gems are attached to a natural cork base.   Tamara says the colorful cottages on some of her stoppers were inspired by the

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Updated Dec 1st

We are now open with limited hours

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: CLOSED

Thursday: 10 – 6pm

Friday: 10 – 6pm

Saturday: 10 – 6pm

AND – you can still shop online anytime!