Gallery News


“These Trees” Book Signing by Ruthie Rosauer

“These Trees” by Ruthie Rosauer Mountain Made, a downtown Asheville art gallery is proud to host a book signing by local landscape photographer Ruthie Rosauer on Saturday March 31, 2018 from Noon to 3pm. According to a interview she did for the Laurel of Asheville : “The word ‘love’ doesn’t quite do justice to my feelings about trees, Rosauer says.

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Live Glassblowing by Jason Probstein “One of our favorite events”

The good folks over at Beaufort House Inn ( on 61 North Liberty Street, mentioned us on their blog! “The holidays are upon us and so is the time for unique gifts. Mountain Made is the perfect store for local crafts made in Asheville NC. The gallery is located in the Historic Grove Arcade. One of our favorite events at the

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Fiber Art Vessels & Sun-Catchers by Paige Houghton

Attending the Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair? Paige will be giving a demonstration of her fiber artwork, Sat, October 28, 2017. We invite you come by if you are in downtown Asheville. Asheville Fiber Art – Paige Houghton …. “Fiber has long been the fabric of our lives, the problem is in our modern disposable society, we need no longer toil

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What is American Craft Week?

What is American Craft Week? The purpose of American Craft Week is to recognize (and exhibit) the exceptional work of our professional craftspeople and artists here in Western North Carolina and around the county. Check out this short video to learn more… Ms. Melinda Knies, owner of the Mountain Made art gallery says, “We understand the economic impact that locally

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Asheville Fiber Artist – Paige Houghton

UPDATE Paige will be giving a demonstration of her fiber artwork, Sat, August 26, 2017. We invite you come by is you are in downtown Asheville. ….  Fiber Art Vessels by Paige Houghton “We look at life from the back side of the tapestry. And most of the time, what we see is loose threads, tangled knots and the like. But occasionally,

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Updated Dec 1st

We are now open with limited hours

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: CLOSED

Thursday: 10 – 6pm

Friday: 10 – 6pm

Saturday: 10 – 6pm

AND – you can still shop online anytime!