Gallery News

Decorative Arts

Our 2022 Summer Festival was a BIG Success! [Thank YOU for Your Support]

Last Saturday was a *blast* here at the gallery! It was the first annual Summer Festival hosted by the Grove Arcade. Along with a cartoonist, juggler, face painter, and other kid-fueled entertainment, Mountain Made had not one, but three live art projects going: Glassblowing by master scientific glass artist Jason Probstein, A live art demo by papercutting artist Daniel Frisbee

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Summer Festival 2022 – Live Glassblowing by Jason Probstein

Fun Things to Do at Mountain Made & the Grove Arcade Mountain Made Gallery along with the other merchants at the Grove Arcade have come together to share our arts, crafts and other specialties in a fun-filled, 1st Annual Summer Festival at the Grove Arcade, Saturday July 30th! We invite you to come by the gallery and take part in

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Autumn Leaf Art – Every Saturday October 2021 – “No Talent Required” Public Interactive Art Project

“Fun Things to Do in Asheville” Is this you… You are on a weekend get-away with the family but your kids are getting bored? You came to Asheville to check out the Smoky Mountains, visit the Biltmore and maybe get some early Christmas shopping done. But the kids are driving you a little crazy! If this sounds like familiar, then

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“Biden Time” a Poem By Nancy Dillingham

Although our YEAR 2020 project is over and the resulting book published and offered for sale, Mountain Made’s artist of the year, Nancy Dillingham has written one more poem that we want to share with you, the public: Biden Time And hope and history rhyme. ~Seamus Heaney   Voice quiet yet commanding he repeats his mantra a fight for the

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“Bunker” a Poem by Nancy Dillingham

As you might know by now that our featured artist for the summer is Nancy Dillingham. Nancy is both a poet and writer and her work will be featured all summer as part of our Year 2020: A Public Art Project. “Bunker” is the last entry in her first set of 2020 poems and one that we wanted to share with you. Bunker Here

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We are temporarily closed

Due to Tropical Storm Hell-ene, the Grove Arcade is closed so we are closed too until further notice.

BUT, our Online Store is open and we are available to pack and ship your order. We and our mountain artists would appreciate the much-needed support.