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Pottery Cookware for the COVID Quarantine

Handcrafted Pottery for Baking Yes, we understand…due to the COVID Quarantine you are tried of eating your own cooking. Well, why not try something new? We have some wonderful pottery baking and cookware (along with companion recipes) just waiting for you to order and try out baking in ceramics. Baking is ceramics is easy and we believe the resulting baked

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Decorative Arts

Handcrafted Metal Crosses & Wall Sculptures

Well, we all understand that life has thrown a big, ole monkey wrench into our lives.For those of you who are nursing the sick or who maybe have lost loved ones…take our prayers from our hearts to yours. For the “worried well” as the rest of us are called, when a wrench gets thrown there are still things we can

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Updated Dec 1st

We are now open with limited hours

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: CLOSED

Thursday: 10 – 6pm

Friday: 10 – 6pm

Saturday: 10 – 6pm

AND – you can still shop online anytime!