Gallery News


“Biden Time” a Poem By Nancy Dillingham

Although our YEAR 2020 project is over and the resulting book published and offered for sale, Mountain Made’s artist of the year, Nancy Dillingham has written one more poem that we want to share with you, the public: Biden Time And hope and history rhyme. ~Seamus Heaney   Voice quiet yet commanding he repeats his mantra a fight for the

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“Bunker” a Poem by Nancy Dillingham

As you might know by now that our featured artist for the summer is Nancy Dillingham. Nancy is both a poet and writer and her work will be featured all summer as part of our Year 2020: A Public Art Project. “Bunker” is the last entry in her first set of 2020 poems and one that we wanted to share with you. Bunker Here

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“Birth Mark” A Poem by Nancy Dillingham

As you might know by now that our featured artist for the summer is Nancy Dillingham. Nancy is both a poet and writer and her work will be featured all summer as part of our Year 2020: A Public Art Project. “Birth Mark” was part of her first set of 2020 poems and one that we wanted to share with you. Birth Mark “America

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“An Open Letter to COVID-19” a poem by Nancy Dillingham

As you might know by now that our featured artist for the summer is Nancy Dillingham. Nancy is both a poet and writer and her work will be featured all summer as part of our Year 2020: A Public Art Project. “An Open Letter to COVID-19” was part of her first set of 2020 poems and as we near the 200,000 death toll, we

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“Something is Wrong” and Other Poems by Nancy Dillingham

As you might know by now that our featured artist for the summer is Nancy Dillingham. Nancy is both a poet and writer and her work will be featured all summer as part of our Year 2020: A Public Art Project. A couple of week ago Nancy forwarded to us two more of her wonderful poems, “Something is Wrong” and “There

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More Local Poetry by Nancy Dillingham

Did you know that Nancy Dillingham – one of Mountain Made’s most popular local poets is our “virtual demo” artist for the year? This means that Nancy will be sharing her poetry and her 2020 experiences through her writings with our online audience every other week. Writer and educator Nancy Dillingham is a sixth-generation Dillingham from Big Ivy in western

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Updated Dec 1st

We are now open with limited hours

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: CLOSED

Thursday: 10 – 6pm

Friday: 10 – 6pm

Saturday: 10 – 6pm

AND – you can still shop online anytime!