Paper Earrings by Asheville Artist Madeline Parker
(1st Wedding or Paper Anniversary Gift)

Paper Anniversary Gift Ideas

A 1st wedding anniversary is referred to as a Paper Anniversary.

This tradition seems to date back to the Victorian Era (1837-1901), when married couples would celebrated the end of their first year of living together (we hope wedded bliss) by offering each other gifts made from paper.

In the Victorian era, wallpapers became the focal design element in almost every home in England.  This was in part due to the induction of machine printing and the repeal of the infamous “Wallpaper” tax.

Yes, a wallpaper tax.

The wallpaper tax had effectively limited wallpapers for everyone but the very wealthy in England for over 124 years.

So it has been suggested that it was this new found freedom that lead to Britain’s giddy obsession with wallpapers – from traditional English to French and designs from the Far East to huge panoramic floor to ceiling panels during this time.

And so it is thought that it was this huge surplus of scrap wallpaper material that turned “paper jewelry” making into a popular hobby.

And perhaps some of those first paper jewelry pieces became part of someone’s Paper Anniversary!

Why Paper for the 1st Anniversary?

A paper gift was thought to a way to remind the couple of both the fragile and modest beginnings of their marriage since paper is vulnerable to fire and water.

And why no matter how modest or humble their union’s beginning, like paper if their relationship was properly protected and taken care of it could last a lifetime.

With this idea in mind, we are glad to showcase the latest paper earring jewelry from Madeline Parker.

Click on an image to enlarge the view…

We invite you to come by Mountain Made to check out this wonderful artists work for yourself…Or call us  828 – 350 – 0307 and we can help your select and ship any of our products to you.


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