Ron Adolph – Laser Cut Wood Artist in the News

Ron Adolph - laser cut wood artist
Story by Paul M. Howey. Portrait by Paul Stebner

Mountain Made is proud to report that one of our artists, Ron Adolph has been featured in the October 2018 issue of Asheville Made magazine.

Asheville Made is one of the premier publications in the area featuring the best of the region’s artists and craftspeople. We highly recommend that you run out and grab a copy before they are gone…we did!

In the article, The First Laser Cut is the Deepest, Ron says that his laser cutter is named Sasha and that “She’s a sexy minx.”

Not to worry, Ron’s wife Jessica doesn’t seem to worried about the attention and time he spends with laser cutting tools…

Ron Adolph - Laser Cut Wood Artist
Sasha – the laser cutter at work…

Ron goes on to say, “My mouse is my brush and the laser is my kiln. Lasers, 3-d printers and other modern tools blur lines fine art and craft…it’s downright evolutionary.”

We invite you check out this photos of Ron’s work below. As you can see his time spent with “Sasha” has not been wasted!

And of course if you are in downtown Asheville, we invite you to come by Mountain Made and see this exquisite wood cuts in person for yourself.


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Due to Tropical Storm Hell-ene, the Grove Arcade is closed so we are closed too until further notice.

BUT, our Online Store is open and we are available to pack and ship your order. We and our mountain artists would appreciate the much-needed support.