Super Bowl Party Recipe – Easy Tacos for Football Fans

Super Bowl Party Recipe
Chris Perryman

Super Bowl Party Recipe

Okay, we admit it. This recipe has absolutely nothing to do with the gallery, fine art or handmade crafts.

Just our gift as one football fan to another. 

You don’t even have to like football  to like this recipe (but as Southerners we do think that’s a bit odd).

Still this is a great recipe for those who want a quick and inexpensive Super Bowl dish for the half-time party or whenever.

Easy Tacos for a Super Bowl Party!

This Super Bowl Party recipe that you make up as you go. Really anyone can do it. I love the crunchy tacos but they always fall apart on me so years ago I decided to do it in a casserole dish and just use taco chips. Each chip a single perfect bite!

Super Bowl Party Recipe meat

The amount of ground beef needed depends on how many people you are feeding. For each pound of ground beef you will need 1 package of your favorite taco seasoning mix. Just follow the directions on the package.

Then mix in salsa or picante sauce to suit you and put in a rectangular, round whatever shallow dish.

Now all you need to do is dress it up with a layer of sour cream, grated cheese, chopped tomatoes & onions, shredded lettuce—whatever you like! It is a beautiful dish and now all you need is a big bag taco chips and dig in.

We hope the team you’re rooting for wins this Sunday!

But if you don’t like football or just want to take a break from the pre-game shows, don’t forget Mountain Made gallery will be open Sunday from 12pm to 5pm. Click here for directions.

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