Book Signing – Celia Miles, Nancy Dillingham & Nancy Sales Cash

Celia Miles, Nancy Dillingham

Mountain Made is proud to announce that three of our bestselling authors: Celia Miles, Nancy Dillingham and Nancy Sales Cash will be here on Saturday, Dec 1, 2018 book signing from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM.

Nancy Sales Cash

Celia Miles and Nancy (Dillingham) were co-editors for the perennial bestselling book, “A Christmas Presence”. And Nancy Cash was one of the story writers in this wonderful holiday anthology.

Not to mention we also have copies of all the ladies’ latest books on hand ready for personalizing and signing!

We invite you drop in if you can. The ladies are always happy to answer questions about their books – Don’t be bashful! > Directions to Mountain Made Book Signing

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Updated Dec 1st

We are now open with limited hours

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: CLOSED

Thursday: 10 – 6pm

Friday: 10 – 6pm

Saturday: 10 – 6pm

AND – you can still shop online anytime!