5 Steps to Avoid Holiday Stress

“Are You Only One Christmas Gift Away from a Yuletide Meltdown?”

It has happened again this year. 

You haven’t picked out your holiday gifts, yet!

But now Amazon is glitching and their deliveries are so S-L-O-O-O-W.

And who wants to risk life, limb and COVID going to a crowded shopping mall or big brand store?

You are not alone…

We can all get caught up in the busy-ness of our daily lives and start to lose track of time (especially during these COVID years).

And then suddenly (it seems)… the holidays are here.

So no matter how well we plan, or how organized we try to be, you can succumb to “Gift Panic Mode” during the holidays.

Check out the five tips below for some simple stress-reliving tips…


How to Avoid Holiday Gift Giving Panic

Step oneSlow down. Take a couple of deep breathes and just try and relax (just a little). You still have a few more weeks so take a moment to sit and reflect on what your want and need to do. Concentrate on the very next step that you have to take — and then go out there and do it.


Step twoFocus on what is truly important.

The holidays should be a time that you come together with your friends, family and loved ones. Despite the commercialization of it all, you should never forget that the holidays are an opportunity to show those you love just how much you care about them.

Step threeKnow your personal shopping style. Are you an early gift giver who always, always has a shopping list? Or are you like a dash-in, buy it at the last minute type of person?

If you know that you prefer to have a shopping list in hand and checking it twice then you should always make sure that you have plenty of time for more leisurely outings.

On the other hand, if you are a last-minute shopper then don’t beat yourself up trying to make yourself a different kind of person. Just go with the flow.

Step FourUse your closeness to your advantage. Chose your gifts wisely by avoiding trends and fads.  Close relationships means usually mean shared experiences.  

Think back over the high points in your friendship or family relationship and use it to pick those handcrafted gifts that evoke warm memories or remind you both of inside jokes or mutual adventures.

Step five — Respect your time & stress limitations. Instead of going all over town trying to buy a ton of different gifts for a variety of people, keep your shopping to one central LOCAL location if possible.

You don’t have to go into panic mode. That holiday-gift-giving-stress, it can be solved with one quick and safe trip to Mountain Made Gallery, inside the Grove Arcade!

We invite you to come by and check out our 2021 Mountain Made Holiday Gift Guide — where you will find a wonderful variety of handcrafted gifts from the whimsical to the unique as well as uncommon art collectibles.

He’s Back! And again this holiday season  Jason Probstein will here on Fridays, Saturdays & Mondays doing Live Glassblowing Demostrations!



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