Things to Do in Asheville: Summer Art Demos By Local Asheville Artisans

Sondra Hasting - Ceramics, things to do at Mountain made.
Sondra Hasting – Ceramics

Things to Do in Asheville: Summer Art Demos By Local Asheville Artisans

2018 will mark the 7th season in which MOUNTAIN MADE will host a series of live artist demonstrations – every Saturday from 11:00AM to 4:00PM, at the art gallery (inside the Grove Arcade).

According to gallery owner, Melinda Knies, she got the idea for asking artists to do live demonstrations after reading about speeding paint demos. (Speed painting is a famous artistic technique where the artist has a limited time to finish the painting work.)

Knies said, “I loved the concept of a live art demo but instead of just focusing on having a particular artist creating an art piece a set time period, I wanted visitors to have the time to not only view the artist in action but also to have the chance to speak with them and ask questions…”

“…This way both the artist and his or her audience have an opportunity to interact with each other face-to-face. Over the past 3 years, we have had great feedback from both our customers and our gallery artisans.”

When asked if Mountain Made one of the best galleries to find local artwork in Asheville, Knies replied, “Well naturally we would like to think so…”

“Primary because here at Mountain Made, we showcase what we feel are some the most interesting and unique arts and crafts made by local artists. All from just the Asheville and surround Great Smoky Mountains area.

“Of course there are other galleries in the area that might boast of larger floor plans, or cater to more well-known “Southern” artists.

Yet few galleries can offer you a wider selection of contemporary mountain arts. Locally made crafts, books and music that has made Asheville an arts and craft lover’s destination for over 70 years.”

Check out Mountain Made’s summer art demonstration schedule here.

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