Watercolors by Sharyn Fogel

Watercolor Paintings by Sharyn Fogel

Asheville water-colorist Sharyn Fogel is best known for her original paintings of local landscapes and mountain views done in the en plein air style.

She says, “I was born in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Eventually I will die here (not anytime soon, I hope.) In the meantime I intend to paint everything about this area that I love.

That includes mountains, trees, old chairs, white squirrels, barns, houses and anything else that catches my eye.”

With its emphasis on natural colors and flowing lines, her watercolors have been described as of a subtle kind of three-dimensional impression of our local hills and valleys.


Inside the Artist’s Studio with Sharyn Fogel

In this post, Mountain Made gallery is happy to share her thoughts and artistic viewpoints as part of our continuing series “Inside the Artist’s Studio.”

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

I thought I would be a movie star! I saw myself as a Doris Day or Liz Taylor, ha!

When did you first realize you wanted to be an artist?

I was about 15 when I first discovered that I like art: drawing and painting.

How long does it take you to create one of your pieces?

Usually I average about 3 to 12 hours. This doesn’t include the driving to location, setting up or anything like that. Or unsettling interruptions caused by too-friendly neighborhood bears!

What is your schedule like when you are working?

I paint every chance, as long as I can. So I may work on a piece several times during a day.

What would you say is your interesting quirk while working?

I love dancing to the music. I listen to Pandora radio often while I work. My current favorite is “Who you gonna call – Ghost Busters”!

Where do you get your ideas or inspiration for your artwork?

I live in Brevard, so every time I look outside I see our Western North Carolina views.

What do you like to do when you are not working on your art?

Nothing! If I’m not painting then I’m not happy.

What was one the most surprising things you learned while creating your art?

That I could do it! Sometimes I do a really, really GOOD piece of work and I am shocked.

How many pieces do you think you have created?

1,000’s. I have lost count long ago.

Which pieces are your favorites?

The ones that are really, really good.

How do you decide on which ideas to develop?

An idea for a piece just pops into my head – probably sent from God , since He is the great Creator.

Do you hear from your fans? What kinds of things do they say?

People often tell me, “You’re so good. You’re so talented”…blah, blah, blah.

What do you think makes good art?

Skill. Along with good colors, realistic, misty, soothing and peaceful scenes. A watercolor should cause you to have reaction – preferably a good one!


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