Contemporary Paintings by Nan Davis

Nan Davis paintings

Mountain Made is happy to announce that we are now displaying the work of contemporary painter Nan Davis.

In her blog “Paint Out Loud…the story behind the art“, Nan writes,

“Making Art is personal, and to create something that is truly satisfying the artist must find their own voice.

What the heck does that mean?

Something I have fought with for years – making something that the viewer will like … versus making something that really feels to me that it comes from me.

It is challenging to me to hear myself, my inner self, over all the voices in my head – and I am sure I am not the only one that enjoys that pat on the back.

So how do I know when I am painting something that comes from inside me? How do I know when I have shut out all the voices that are telling me about the other art that is successful and so I need to create a version of that?

Let me know when you have the answer to that, will you?”

Nan goes on to say her work is based on a creative voice she feels deep inside. While she admits that her work is not philosophical and that there is no great message to the world, the paintings she creates “feels right to me”.

And her work feels right to us also. But don’t take our word for it, take a closer look for yourself:


Follow Nan on her site and sign up for her newsletter that will have information soon about her upcoming show.


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